I wrote at the beginning of summer, ‘I was never productive in summer, but I really have to now’ and I made it!
It’s the last summer of my bachelor’s (not sure if I will ever be a student again), so finding an internship was a big priority. I applied for over 60 positions in a year, had multiple coding tests and interviews, and got rejected or ghosted by all of them except the last one. This journey gave me a lot of anxiety and stress. I don’t know how many hours I spent editing my CV, writing cover letters, preparing for interviews, and scrolling LinkedIn. The biggest factors are networking and luck, and I blamed myself for being unfortunate. Now I can proudly say that I fucking deserve this 😌.
It’s already been 1.5 months since I joined Estée Lauder Companies. The people are very nice and down to earth, the office is close to my home, the employee discount is a big thing (there are luxury brand products with 80% off 😎), and my job is not hard. Besides technical skills, I’m learning about business, how a multinational company works, and how colleagues communicate — I think this is more important than just learning to code. I’ve realized I can’t express myself properly and professionally, and my teammates’ speaking skills amazed me. I try to finish tasks quickly and ask for more things to do and learn. I hope I will be good enough for them to offer me a full-time position 🤞. Still living for the hope of it all…
Since I was a teenager, I couldn’t stop comparing myself with pretty and smart girls. I tried to lose weight because I didn’t like my body. But this summer, I wanted to be active to become fit and confident, not skinny. I used to think that I had to be as slim as possible, but now those girls with tiny waists don’t look as good to me. A new habit I adopted is running. I do some kind of exercise almost every day — running, swimming, strength training, yoga, walking. I wake up in the morning happy to wear my running shoes and go out. I love the feeling after a workout, and it affects my whole day. I didn’t lose a single kg, but I feel stronger and more confident. I like my belly, and I eat enough nutrition without counting calories. FINALLY, I accepted myself and enjoy how I look.
The highlight of this summer was the Era’s tour. I went to Warsaw with two of my friends. We really liked the city, especially the food! The concert was just perfect. I couldn’t believe it was going to happen until Taylor came out. 13 years of my love for Taylor, countless hours listening to her songs, the strength she gave me through her music — everything came to me at that moment. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t (I just don’t cry anymore). We bought the tickets a year ago, and I’m so proud that we actually made it there. It’s not easy for broke students to afford such things.
My best friend invited me to Moldova (I wrote an article about the trip). Her family was incredibly welcoming, and I had the best time. I learned a lot from these wonderful people — how they can be so positive, generous, and genuine. It’s true that you are the sum of the five people closest to you. I’m so grateful to have such a good friend, and I hope to be at her wedding and share her happiness. ❤️
I’m trying to implement what I’ve learned from books into my life. To have the courage to be disliked, I stopped worrying about what people think— that’s their problem. I don’t give a shit about people who aren’t my close friends, it’s not my problem either. It’s such a relief to just mind my own business, be true to myself, and care for my loved ones.
Learning and learning. My medium is just me preaching about life 😂 but this girl is just growing up, figuring out how to survive. My senior year is starting. I’ll be working as well, so it’s gonna be a busy year.
I’m ready for it. 頑張ってね🤟
2024.09.01 chill Sunday afternoon