When you meet someone, remember that you will inevitably lose that person someday. One of you may die, or one of you may decide to end the relationship. So, always be ready for anything to happen. Try not to imagine your future with someone like you will be together forever. This happy ending doesn’t exist in our world. Just feel the happiness when you are happy, and feel the sadness when you are sad. And don’t fantasize things in your head, just be aware of what’s going on now, and what you should do. Because this is what it is. This is reality.
Everything you lose is a step you take
Losing someone isn’t easy, especially if you love that person. When someone you love so much dies, it feels impossible to continue living without him. You can’t imagine how you will exist in the future. The fucking hardest thing is that you can’t do anything to bring that person back. You will hate all the movies in which a dead person was actually alive, and the people who missed him become happy. You can’t control how much you dream about him at night, and how much everything surrounding you resembles him. You want to live on and try to think about it less, but at the same time you don’t want to forget his voice, face, and how it feels to be with him.
But when someone you like tells you that you can’t be with him again, it’s another story. Yes, it happened to me again🙂 I hate myself because I can’t hate the person who hurt me, and still waiting for nothing. I meet my friends just to distract myself. All of my friends are telling me that he doesn’t deserve me and I will find a better one, but I’ve heard it many times and already lost hope. Am I this unlucky? Or am I the problem? Or just all the guys are like this? Whatever the reason, I hate that this is how it works. I hate that a person can start everything and end everything, and I can’t do anything about it and don’t understand anything. What I can do is listen to my breakup playlist and distract myself.
I reallyy want to cry and release everything accumulated in me for a long time. But I just can’t. I even forced myself to cry. I feel it in my throat, but my tear doesn’t go out. It’s a problem that I always keep things in me and never open up.
P.S. I’m okay if anyone who’s reading this is concerned, I love my life 💚
2023.05.11 nana in a bus listening to “Ribs”.