I am stressed, discouraged, and irate recently. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, eysh (General admission test) was postponed to the second half of August. Thousands of my peers are frustrated as I am.
Time is flying too quickly. In January of 2020, Mongolia first has quarantined. There was nobody who had coronavirus. They put it off over and over and I couldn’t go to my school in the last half of 11th grade. During that quarantine, people were talking about how careful we were and how strong Mongolians are. Poor thought. The number of cases was under 5. The situation was worse in other countries than in Mongolia. But other countries consider education and economy as well as health. Mongolians took “health” first and left others.
In my senior grade, we were studying at school. But we divided into 5 classes and I was in Physics class. I was very lonely because all of my friends chose other fields of classes. Unfortunately, an urgent decision was released at 4 AM, when I was memorizing kanjis. I just have started preparing for N3 and it was procrastinated. Just like the former lockdown, it has been postponing over and over. It is very difficult to study online. I can’t concentrate fully and my eyes and back hurt. Obviously, being alone every day is the worst thing.
Winter vacation started on the 18th of December. I researched about IELTS and started doing tests. Initially, it was hard to find information from texts, catch the answers while listening, write an essay with few mistakes. I felt a little bit discouraged but I have been striving. During the vacation, I was improving my English skills, Maths, and Physics. Besides, I changed my profession from civil engineer to computer science. I am still not sure about it. This kind of expert is becoming more and more demanding. I have watched many talks about AI. I thought that I must immerse myself in this field. Let’s see what will happen.
“Across The Universe” was incorporated in late October. The number of recruits was far greater than I had thought. We used to give a speech about various interesting things and discuss them. I hope that the 11th-grade students will maintain our precious club.
Since the 17th of May, we were able to go to school. The prolonged quarantine made me so lonely. I was apart from my friends and I just wanted to be alone and do my tasks. A couple of weeks ago, I was finally socialized. On the 4th of June, our graduation day was organized. It wasn’t the prom we were expecting, but not bad. Then, quarantine again.
I have prepared for EJU for a month. I was memorizing kanjis and doing maths and physics. I took EJU last Sunday and I intensely started preparing for eysh. Eysh was going to hold on 1st of July. Also, N3 was overlapped with Physics eysh. Why can’t they set a day of eysh without overlapping with another exam? I am aggressively angry about it. Then they procrastinated eysh too.
So, this is my life, hating the people who are geniuses and always make the right decisions. There is no such righteousness in their enactments. I just want to go away from these stupid people and live on my own. I don’t want to study here. Isn’t it ridiculous that starting university 10 days after eysh? It is doubtful that eysh will be held in August.
In the end, I haven’t written for months and I enjoyed releasing my emotions. I am planning to write every day. Despite my stress, I will endeavor to be a better Nana than yesterday’s, and go away from this irritating place.