It has been quite a while since I wrote my last “kind of diary”. Nana’s life is pretty good nowadays and lots of things happened:)
The second semester was started at NUM and my studies are easy as before. I still go to my programming course and dance class. I really enjoyed the first month of my dance class, but now I am thinking about going to a swimming class after this month ends.
The good thing is that I feel less lonely recently. I joined the Intro English Speaking Club and met many nice people. I look forward to every club meeting and making new friends. I comprehended that a human being wants to “belong”. Happiness is meaningful when it is shared.
I am reading books constantly this year. I borrow English books from my uncle Tsetsen so I don’t spend money on books. Books mean a lot to me. I am changing in a good way, becoming more mature, improving myself, and feeling grateful about my life and everything. Books allow people to talk with themselves and cultivate critical thinking.
Okay, I am gonna tell the goodest news. I have been nominated for the Stipendium Hungaricum Program! It is the first phase of a big journey, but it is also the most important one. Now, I will be taken interviewed for 2 universities. The final result will be out in late June. I should be very happy and proud of myself. I am accustomed to being not emotional. There were many moments when I felt discouraged, afraid, disappointed, and angry. I changed my plan soo many times such as studying in the USA, Japan, or Italy. Eventually, Hungary turned out the last and the most possible way for me. I hope I will feel that high when I get the acceptance letter and write my article:>
22.03.06 nana~